Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bodybuilding Workout Split Routine

Bodybuilding Workout Split Routine

Sample Split Routine For Body Builders

Demonstrating a simple routine split for bodybuilding with Intensity indicators (A,B, or C)

A - 10 reps 4-8 sets (2-3 mins between sets)
B - 5-6 reps 3-4 sets (Explosive + 5 mins rest between sets)
C - Once giant set performed back to back 10-15-30's(example) with 3-4 exercises

In terms of plyos' - these can be done onto boxes (as is Westside style) if you're over 100kg body weight or if the intensity dictates then on grass or soft surface as bounding.

General bodybuilding moves are to be used for each body part.

Example - various bench presses for chest, military press for shoulders, standing barbell curls for arms along with tricep pressdown.

Nothing fancy and no sculpting exercises. This is for adding mass and getting in shape

Week 1

Monday - Arms/Abs/Plyometrics/Aerobics (BCAC)

Tuesday - Chest/Back/Legs (AAB)

Wednesday - Shoulders/Arms/Abs/Plyometrics (CABB)

Thursday - Chest/Back/Aerobics (ABB)

Friday - Arms/Legs/Abs/Plyometrics (ABBC)

Saturday - Chest /Shoulder/Back

Sunday - Full Rest

Week 2

Monday - Arms/Legs/Abs/Plyometrics (BAAA)

Tuesday - Chest/Shoulder/Back (BBC)

Wednesday - Legs/Abs/Plyometrics (AAB)

Thursday - Shoulder/Arms/Aerobics (BBB)

Friday - Chest/Legs/Abs/Plyometrics (CBBC)

Saturday - Shoulder/Back/Aerobics (ACC)

Sunday - Rest

Body building Workout Split Routine

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