Lost Secrets of Strength and Development
At sometime or other everyone needs to look back into the past and find out how things were done a long time ago.
Somethings are best left in the past and somethings are best being brought back into the present or the future.
Kettlebells are one of those training devices that have been utilised again after many years in a pile of dust (depending on who you are and where you are from)
Brooks Kubik does exactly that with Dinosaur Training
Who is Brooks D Kubik?
Brooks is a Lawyer (about 50 yrs age now)and what many may call an Oldtime Strongman.
Brooks has trained for somewhere in the region of 35 years so he know a thing or two and considers training to be an art form (not a science). He is around 5 9" tall and weighs around 230lb's, a former high school wrestler and is into FUNCTIONAL strength big time. Hence, the reason he wrote the book - Dinosaur Training.
What is Dinosaur Training?
Dinosaur Training is more of a philosophy than any one particular bodybuilding/strength training routine. If you include heavy barbells, heavy sandbags, thick bars and sledgehammers in your training minus periodization and don't train in a chrome and fern gym with a $100 per month subscription where you can watch MTV and have a nail massage whilst sipping babycham (aerobic/prissy/fancy) then you won't be far off with what is known as Dino training.
What would a Dinosaur Training Session look like?
Day One
Squat 4 x 5
Standing Press 4 x 5
Bent over Barbell Row 4 x 5
Farmer Walk (1 trip)
Bent leg sit ups 2 x 8-15
Neck, biceps and triceps work to finish
Day 2
Bent leg deadlift, Power Clean or Snatch Pulls 5 x 3
Bench press (barbell or dumbbell) 4 x 5
Sand bag walk (hug bag and walk as far as possible) 1 trip
Side bends with weight 2 x 15
Neck, biceps and triceps work to finish
So that 's it 2 days per week but heavy.
Note: the above is only an example of a dino session. You can add heavy kettlebells, thick bars, wrist rollers, big tyre's to make the routine suit your needs, the list is endless.
Will it work?
That's upto how much you're willing to put into it, but I can say this style of training has worked for me for years and packed plenty of beef and strength onto my frame.
Give it a try and don't forget elaborate scientific training doesn't always work better than something that is just plain and simple.
York barbell training courses work well and are pretty much dinosaur training in some form or other
Check out more about Brooks Kubik
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