Friday, November 19, 2010

Grip and Rip DVD Offer

Grip and Rip half price

If you're into grip training you'll know Adam T Glass is one of the leaders of this up and coming sport

You will also be pleased to know Adam has put up his highly acclaimed Grip N Rip DVD set on offer at half price for the next 24 hrs

The DVD set covers all aspects of training and perpetual improvement

Don't waste anytime to claim your copy

Check it out at Grip and Rip

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Bear Complex for Strength and Fitness

The Bear Complex is a real test of mental and physical fitness and can also be used to build strength.

What is The Bear?

Simply clean a barbell to your chest, front squat it, push press the bar overhead, lower to shoulders behind the neck, back squat it, push press again and lower to chest, lower the bar back to the floor and that's 1 rep. Repeat until you're spent.

Tougher than tabata training?


Can anyone do a 100kg for ten Bear reps?

That would be pretty beast like.

Check out this video for a demo of The Bear complex

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Connective Tissue Training and Development

Never over look connective tissue development. It is a real weak spot for steroid users and most other athletes/people who traine etc who develop there muscular system faster than their connective tissue, resulting in bicep tears etc.

It's the simple short answer to 'how come a skinny, wiry guy can beat a meat head at lifting'

'I am of the opinion that joints need to be trained in a like manner to how
we train our muscular system, but with recovery and adaptive periods that
reflect their specific recovery periods.'

Bones, and connective tissue have low to no blood supply and their growth,
and recovery are slower than the muscle tissues.

So the task is to find the correct loading to the cycles of compression and
decompression (and other stress types) that will produce a conditioning
effect to those tissues without "overtraining". It is as simple as training
the musculature, but also complex, due to the fact that you are dealing with
two critical variables:

1)Present Condition and the level of load that will be required to produce
positive adaptation

2)Age and the amount of recovery required between loading bouts.

Obviously this is significantly different than training the muscles even
though we use essentially the SAME exercise actions.

As well we generally have 3 main tissues to be aware of:

1)Bones which need general heavy load stresses to gain or retain

2)Ligaments which require regular stresses to reduce age related stiffness

3) Cartilages which require appropriate cyclic compression and decompression
to facilitate synovium saturations and hydrations

Certain sports that take a toll on joints and connective tissues, so it might be wise to keep these elements in

Ensure you take training connective tissue as seriously as muscular training to ensure less injury.

Good examples of strengthening connective tissue through bodybuilding and weight training is the use of isometric and static movements, such as isometric bench press, partial squats (to name a few) using heavy loads and low reps. Also to be considered are plyometrics. As with all forms of training these things need to be developed slowly and sensibly. Don't just go out to try and develop your tendons work new movements in gradually and increase the load over time.

Check out this article on tendon development from PPONLINE

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Program for Gaining Muscle Mass

Gain Muscle Mass?

Ok, stupid question! If you're here then it's a good chance that you want to gain muscle mass. Whether it's for sport or just to look good at the beach this summer this muscle mass program should work wonders for you! If you don't wanna work hard then you can piss off and work hard at cycling or doing some painting or such like non muscle building activities.

Firstly, this program is not for muscle sculpting, shaping or anything like that. Forget concentration curls, tricep kickbacks, pecdecs and crunches. This program revolves around the powerlifting exercises, squat, deadlift and bench press, with some extra work to keep your arms coming along nicely.

Basically, compound movements for muscle gain!

Weeks 1-3

Training 2 days per week

1st workout

Squat - work upto a top set of 8 reps (3 back off sets of 10 reps @ 90% of top set)
Bench Press - as above
Deadlift - as above except back off sets - replace deads for stiff leg deadlift
High Pull - 3 sets 8 reps (as fast and heavy as possible)
Bicep Curls/Triceps Press 10 min of Escalating Density Training protocol

2nd workout - As above 3-4 days later

Weeks 4-6

Same as above with top set of 6 reps (back off sets of 8 reps)

Week 7-9

Same as weeks 1-3 with 4 reps (back of sets of 6 reps)

If you get to week 9 and want to go for another cycle then you can go for 2 reps as your top set with back off sets of 4 reps and build some real strength

\don't be fooled by it's simplicity and the fact that this program is only 2 days per week. You'll need the space between workouts to recover.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Charles Poliquin Training Resource

Charles Poliquin Resource

I've keenly followed Charles Poliquin ever since I read about German Volume training via Muscle Media Magazine in the 90's

If you've never heard of them you've probably had your head up your arse for a very long time.

Check out the links below.

One of my personal favourites is Charles Poliquin's Neural Drive Article, a superb article about building explosive power for sport.

Another great back to basics is the lost art of overhead pressing article which also includes a 12 week Pressing Program

1.) Rest Pause

2.) The Lost Art of Overhead Pressing

3.) Get Strong Get Big

4.) Explosive Neural Drive

5.) Quads and Hams

6.) Reduce Carbs, Go Green

7.) 15 Pounds per Inch

8.) Hamstrings Times Two

9.) Lactic Acid Training For Fat Loss

10.) Advanced German Volume Training

11.) Manipulating Reps for Gains in Size and Strength

12.) Arm Yourself

13.) The Five Elements

14.) Question of Strength

15.) Poetry in Motion

16.) Back to Basics

17.) The Truth about Bodybuilding Arm Measurements

18.) The Top Seven Upperback Exercises

19.) Preparing for the Ultimate Workout

20.) The Top 10 Triceps Exercises

21.) The 1-6 Principle

22.) Achieving Structural Balance

23.) Can't Add Size to your Biceps ?

24.) The One Day Arm Cure

25.) Variations on a Theme

26.) The Nausea Workout

27.) The Swiss Ball Arm Workout

28.) The Five Percent Solution

29.) Training With Maximal Weights

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Side of a House Diet

Ronnie Coleman Talks Dieting

How to diet yourself down to look like the side of a house

Chicken, steak, chicken, steak, chicken, steak, wear your belt more chicken more steak, train, sit, cheat meal, repeat...

Bodybuilding Routines
